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DR assumes leadership positions in social policy at OAS and SISCA

Santo Domingo. The Dominican Republic assumed on December 11 the vice presidency of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the pro tempore presidency of the Secretariat for Central American Social Integration (SISCA) in social matters.

These appointments were made at the V Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development (V REMDES) of the Organization of American States (OAS), held in the country last November, so that the coordinator of the Social Policy Cabinet of the Dominican Republic, Tony Peña, will head the OAS body, which seeks to promote solidarity cooperation among its member states to support integral development and contribute to the elimination of poverty in the region.

Likewise, Peña assumed the position of Minister of the Council for Central American Social Integration (CIS), a designation that responds to the advances in social matters achieved by the Dominican Government and the initiatives and programs implemented in the country by the social policy area of the administration of President Luis Abinader. 

After his designation, Peña said that this distinction «has made the Social Policy Cabinet reaffirm its commitment to continue working, joining efforts in favor of regional social integration for the strengthening of social protection systems that contribute to the reconstruction and social development in the Americas».

He added that in his role as president pro tempore of SISCA, he will continue to promote the application of the PSIR-SICA and the «3R Plan» that seek to achieve the recovery, social reconstruction and resilience of Central America and the Dominican Republic, as well as contribute to the social development of the region through a process of social inclusion.

He promised to promote the strengthening of technical capacities; the approach to care as a fundamental part of social protection systems; the «RedCuidar» and replicate successful models such as the «Oportunidad 14-24» program, which has enabled more than 11,000 young people in the country, between the ages of 14 and 24, to overcome their conditions of social vulnerability.

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